Sanders Drilling offers top of line Conventional & Hydraulic
Rigs for lease and sale. Sanders Drilling can also provide you
with all your drilling rig needs and can supply your project
with all supplies and equipment needed and turn key the entire
project from start to finish.
From conventional singles, doubles and
triples, to hydraulic topdrive rigs which include singles, super
singles, doubles, triples, slant rigs and coil rigs.
Conventional rigs
Conventional singles
Complete package rig with crews $10,000.00/day
Conventional doubles
Complete package rig with crews
Conventional triples
Complete package rig with crews $15,000.00/day
Weekly, monthly and yearly rates are also available
Hydraulic Topdrive rigs
Hydraulic singles
Complete package rig with crews
Hydraulic super singles
Complete package rig with crews $16,000.00/day
Hydraulic doubles
Complete package rig with crews $18,000.00/day
Hydraulic triples
Complete package rig with crews $20,000.00/day
Hydraulic super-single slant
Complete package rig with crews $16,000.00/day
Hydraulic coil tubing drilling
Complete package rig with crews $15,000.00/day
Please contact Chris for all your drilling needs, rates
may vary.
Chris Sanders We offer technology from three of the top manufactures in automated drilling rigs which together creates a mobile drilling solution that is completely automated and includes a HD live satellite upload with multiple cameras for investors and operators to watch while avoiding all unexpected liabilities and costs from live camera on site verification.
This protects the operator, the
investor, the insurance companies, and the safety of the project at
hand by involving these entities first hand during drilling
operations with our companies tool pushers and rig crew. The
fastest and safest drilling rig technology in the world as designed
by Chris Sanders.
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please dial 911
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